User Agreement

to conclude a contract for the performance of work

Edition dated: January 01, 2024

This public offer (hereinafter referred to as the "Offer") is an official offer of the UNLOCK.CENTER website, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", for the performance of the works described in the Offer, addressed to capable individuals (including those representing the interests of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities) who have accepted (accepted) this offer, on the following conditions.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this document is a public Offer and in case of acceptance of the conditions set out below and payment for the Contractor's work, the person who accepted this Offer becomes the Customer (in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, acceptance of the Offer is equivalent to concluding a contract on the terms set out in the Offer), which is unconditional accepted by the Parties.

The Parties provide mutual guarantees of their rights and legal capacity necessary for the conclusion and execution of this Offer.


1.1. For the purposes of this Offer, the following terms are used in the following meaning:

"Offer" is an offer by the Contractor to conclude a Contract addressed to an indefinite circle of persons.

"Acceptance of the Offer" - full and unconditional acceptance of the Offer by the Customer by 100% prepayment of the Work. In case of Acceptance of the Offer, the Contract is considered concluded.

"Site" is a web resource , used by the Contractor on the basis of ownership rights.

"Works" - remotely performed by the Contractor to unlock iCloud, unlock from operators, unlock Xiaomi Mi Account, and other services described in this Offer and indicated on the Site.

"Order" is a request (application) of the Customer made in accordance with the terms of this Offer, which represents the free and independent intention and will of the Customer to purchase Works for personal non-commercial purposes in accordance with the Tariffs in force at the Contractor.

"Customer" is a person who has accepted the Offer on the terms set out in it.

"Performer" - a web resource

"Parties" - the Customer and the Contractor when mentioned together.

"Contract" is a contract for the performance of Works concluded between the Contractor and the Customer through the Acceptance of this Offer by the latter.

"Tariff" is the fee set by the Contractor for the Work performed by the Contractor.

1.2. This Offer may use terms not defined in clause 1.1. of the Offer. In this case, the interpretation of such a term is carried out in accordance with the text of this Offer. In the absence of an unambiguous interpretation of the term in the text of the Offer, the interpretation of the term should be guided: first of all, on the Contractor's Website, and secondly, by the generally accepted meaning.


2.1. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor undertakes obligations to perform the Work using its own resources, materials and capabilities and transfer their result to the Customer.  The Customer undertakes to accept the result of the Work and pay for it in the amount and in the manner prescribed by this Offer and the Tariffs applicable to the Contractor.

2.2. The list of specific Works, their scope, terms, cost and other conditions for the performance of Work are additionally agreed upon between the Contractor's representative and the Customer additionally after placing the Order on the Website or its approval in the messengers WhatsApp, Telegram, VK.

2.3. The acceptance of the Offer is the fact of 100% prepayment of the Work by the Customer.

2.4. Accessing any of the sections of the Site, starting its use, its separate function, sending an Order by the Customer using the Site, ordering a callback via a special form on the Site, via WhatsApp, Telegram, VK messengers, also imply the legally binding consent of the Customer to comply with the terms and conditions of this Offer.

2.5. By accepting this Offer, the Customer agrees that:

2.5.1. the data specified by him is provided by him voluntarily;

2.5.2. the data voluntarily specified by the Customer when Ordering is transmitted to the Contractor in electronic form via Internet communication channels;

2.5.3. the data has been transferred to the Contractor for the purposes specified in this Offer;

2.5.4. the consent given by the Customer to the processing of his data is indefinite and may be revoked by the Customer or his legal representative by submitting a written application submitted to the Contractor.

2.6. The Offer does not require sealing and/or signing by the Contractor and the Customer (hereinafter referred to as the "Parties") on paper, while maintaining full legal force.

2.7. The Agreement concluded between the Parties has the force of an act of acceptance of completed Works. Delivery and acceptance of Works is carried out without signing the relevant acts between the Parties. Acceptance of Works is carried out in the manner specified in clause 5.10. of the Offer.


3.1. The price of the Work is indicated in the applicable Tariffs of the Contractor posted on the Website.

3.2. The Contractor has the right to change the cost of Tariffs at any time, the new prices are considered valid from the date of publication on the Website. At the same time, the Tariff already paid by the Customer does not change and cannot be recalculated either upward or downward.

3.3. After completing the registration procedure and logging in to the Customer's account, the Customer adds funds using an available payment system or transfers funds to a Sberbank bank card. The minimum balance replenishment amount is 5 USDT.

3.4. The choice and use of the payment method is made by the Customer at his own discretion and without any responsibility of the Contractor. The security, confidentiality, and other terms of use of the payment methods chosen by the Customer go beyond the scope of the Offer and are governed by agreements between the Customer and relevant organizations and institutions.

3.5. For Customers, when paying for Work through the Website, funds are converted into Credits and then credited to the Customer's balance in the Personal Account.

3.6. In order to get the best price for the Work, the Customer must regularly purchase the Work from the Contractor, thereby becoming a regular customer of the Contractor.

3.7. All Customers receive the "Reseller" status by default. When the Customer replenishes the balance in the amount of more than 1000 USDT, the Customer receives the "VIP" status.

3.8. The User has the right to request a refund if the service has not been completed.

3.9. A refund is only possible for funds that remain on the User's balance and have not been used to pay for services.

3.10. In case of a refund, a commission in the amount of 5% of the refund amount is deducted from the balance to cover operating expenses.

3.11. Funds are refunded using the same payment method that was used to replenish the balance.

3.10. No refund is made from the Customer's balance in the Personal Account, for the Customer's already unlocked devices or in cases of similar Work performed by another contractor while the IMEI is processed by the Contractor as part of the Order.

3.11. If the Customer's device has become the subject of insurance fraud or other illegal activities, the telecom operator may re-block this device. In the specified case of repeated blocking of the device, the funds will not be refunded to the Customer.


4.1. Registration of the Customer on the Website is mandatory if the Customer wishes to place an Order through the Website. When placing an Order via WhatsApp, Telegram, VK messengers, registration is not required.

4.2. Ordering and registration on the website is not possible without the Customer's consent to the Offer.

4.3. The Customer guarantees to the Contractor that he has reached the age allowed in accordance with the legislation for Accepting the Offer and has the appropriate authority to use the functionality of the Site and the results of the Work.

4.4. When registering on the Website, the Customer is obliged to provide the Contractor with the necessary reliable (authentic) and up-to-date information for the formation of a Personal Account, namely: first name, last name, email address, phone number, username (login), links to the Customer's accounts on social networks.

4.5. The User name (login) and password are necessary and sufficient information for the Customer's authorization and access to the Site.

4.6. The Customer has no right to transfer his user name (login) and password to third parties, is fully responsible for their safety, independently choosing the method of their storage.

4.7. Any actions of the Customer performed using his username (login) or password are considered committed by the Customer.

4.8. In case of unauthorized access to the user name (login) and password and/or the Customer's Personal Account, or distribution of the user name (login) and password, the Customer is obliged to immediately change the password in the personal account.

4.9. The Customer is responsible for the accuracy, completeness and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of the information provided to the Contractor during registration and further in the process of using the Site.

4.10. The Customer is obliged to update the information provided by him in a timely manner.

4.11. The Contractor's processing of the Customer's personal data is carried out in accordance with the law and in accordance with the Privacy Policy regarding the processing of personal data posted at .


5.1. The Customer, after registering on the Site, having familiarized himself with the description of the Works, their price and deadlines, independently creates an Order through the appropriate web interface of the Site by clicking the appropriate buttons or contacts the Contractor with the Order through the messengers WhatsApp, Telegram, VK.

5.2. The Order is sent to the Service automatically after it is placed by the Customer. The date of placing an Order is the date of its registration through the Service.

5.3. The order from the Website is transferred to the Contractor automatically. After placing an Order, the Customer must wait for its processing by the Contractor.

5.4. The deadlines for each type of Work are indicated on the Website and may vary from 7 (seven) to 60 (sixty) working days from the date of placing the Order, 100% prepayment of the Work by the Customer and the provision by the Customer of complete and correct data related to the performance of the Work.

5.5. In some cases, the Contractor has the right to delay the deadline for completing the Order, which he notifies the Customer about and which does not constitute a violation of this Offer.

5.6. The Contractor is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Customer when placing the Order. The Customer assumes full responsibility for providing incorrect data, which made it impossible for the Contractor to properly perform the Work under this Offer.

5.7. After placing an Order, the Contractor has no possibility of canceling it, because the Order is under processing or execution by the Contractor, except in cases until the Contractor completes or independently rejects the Order.

5.8. The work is performed by the Contractor remotely.

5.9. In order to perform the Work, the Contractor has the right to involve co-executors and/or third parties at his own discretion without notifying the Customer. At the same time, the Contractor undertakes to ensure that the co-executors / third parties comply with the terms of the Offer and is responsible to the Customer for their actions (inaction).

5.10. The Contractor is considered to have fulfilled its obligations under this Offer from the moment the result of the Work is provided to the Customer. The Services are considered to be performed properly and in full if, within 3 (three) days from the date of completion of the Work and receipt by the Customer of their result, they have not submitted a claim to the Contractor. If the Customer does not receive the result of the Work or does not perform the Work efficiently (for example, an incorrect unlock code was received, the iPhone was not unlocked, etc.), the Customer is obliged to send the Contractor a claim by e-mail [email protected] . In case of non-receipt of a claim from the Customer within the specified period, the act of acceptance of the Work is considered signed, and the Work is performed efficiently and in due time. After the expiration of the specified period, the Customer has no right to make claims to the Contractor.


6.1. The Contractor undertakes to:

6.1.1. Perform Work at an appropriate professional level.

6.1.2. Provide the Customer with information about the execution of the Order.

6.1.3. To provide consultations on issues arising from the Customer in connection with the performance of Work.

6.1.4. In case of impossibility or inexpediency of carrying out the Work, inform the Customer about it.

6.1.5. Process and store the Customer's personal data provided to the Contractor and ensure their confidentiality in accordance with the procedure established by applicable law.

6.1.6. To carry out the current management of the Site, independently determine its structure, appearance and other elements.

6.2. The Contractor has the right to:

6.2.1. To refuse to perform Work or suspend the performance of Work if the Customer does not properly fulfill his obligations under the Offer, provides the Contractor with deliberately false information.

6.2.2. Independently determine the ways of performing the Work.

6.2.3. To change the terms of this Offer, prices for Works posted on the Website.

6.3. The Customer is obliged to:

6.3.1. Provide the information necessary to identify the Customer and sufficient to perform the Work.

6.3.2. Accept the result of the Work performed within the time period specified in clause 5.8. of the Offer.

6.3.3. Pay for the Work in accordance with the conditions provided for in this Offer.

6.3.4. When working with the Site, do not violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.3.5. Not to use the Site for illegal purposes.

6.3.6. Regularly review the current content of this Offer posted on the Website.

6.3.7. Not to disseminate information that could harm the Contractor.

6.3.8. Comply with the provisions of the current legislation and this Offer.

6.4. The Customer has the right:

6.4.1. Access to the Site at any time, except for the time of preventive maintenance and failures that do not depend on the will of the Contractor.

6.4.2. Use the Site within its functionality and under the conditions set forth in this Offer.


7.1. Any illegal use of this Website, the information posted on it and other materials is prohibited.

7.2. All objects of the Site, including design elements, text, graphics, other objects, as well as any content posted on the Site, are objects of the exclusive rights of the Contractor.

7.3. The use of materials by the Customer, as well as any content for personal, non-commercial purposes, is possible provided that all copyright and trademark marks are preserved and the relevant object is preserved unchanged.


8.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations provided for in these Offers, the Parties are responsible in accordance with the procedure provided for by applicable law.

8.2. The Customer is personally responsible for checking this Offer for any changes in it.

8.3. The Contractor does not force the Customer in any way, does not insist on doing any actions.

8.4. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that:

8.4.1. He creates an Order on a voluntary basis, pays for the Work in order to obtain the result of the Work.

8.4.2. He is responsible for his actions committed on the Site.

8.4.3. The works purchased by the Customer are provided on an "as is" basis. At the same time, the Contractor is not responsible in any form for the inconsistency of the result of the Services with the goals, objectives, ideas or desires of the Customer.

8.4.4. Actions and messages received from the Contractor are not a call to action and a call to use.

8.4.5. Nothing in this Offer can guarantee for the Customer the full satisfaction of his interests and needs related to the purchase of Works.

8.4.6. The Contractor is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Customer when placing the Order, during the execution of the Work. The Customer assumes full responsibility for providing incorrect information about himself, which made it impossible for the Contractor to properly execute this Offer.

8.5. The Contractor is not responsible for:

8.5.1. Financial losses and expenses caused by the actions/omissions of third parties and/or incurred during or after the execution of the Work.

8.5.2. Risks, actions/omissions of the Customer.

8.5.3. Failure to receive the result of the Work by the Customer for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor.

8.5.4. If the Customer's expectations about the consumer properties of the Work were not justified.

8.5.5. Cases when the Customer specified an incorrect serial number or IMEI of the device.

8.5.6. For partial or complete non-fulfillment of obligations to the Customer, if they are the result of force majeure.

8.5.7. For non-operation of the Site due to hosting problems, ddos attacks on the Site or hosting, and other reasons beyond the control of the Contractor.


9.1. All disputes, disagreements and claims of the Parties will seek to resolve through negotiations. The Party who has claims and/or disagreements sends a message to the other Party indicating the claims and/or disagreements that have arisen.

9.2. The message is sent by the Buyer by e-mail to the address [email protected] . The message must contain the essence of the claim, evidence confirming the claim.

9.3. Within 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt of the message, the Party that received it is obliged to send a response to this message.


  • 10.1. The Offer is valid until the Customer or Contractor fulfills their obligations in full.

  • 10.2. In case of withdrawal of this Offer during its validity period, this Offer is considered terminated from the moment of withdrawal. The review is carried out by posting relevant information on the Website.

  • 10.3. The Contractor reserves the right to unilaterally amend this Offer. The changes come into force from the moment of publication, unless another period is separately agreed.

  • 10.4. The Contractor has the right to assign or in any other way transfer its rights and obligations arising from its relationship with the Customer to third parties. Written notification of the Customer about these facts is not required.

  • 10.5. The Site may be temporarily partially or completely unavailable due to preventive maintenance, other work or for any other technical reasons. The Technical service of the Site has the right to periodically carry out the necessary preventive or other work with or without prior notification to the Customer.

  • 10.6. The Parties recognize the legal force of notifications and messages sent by the Contractor to the Customer's address, the postal addresses and e-mail addresses indicated by him when placing the Order. In case of disagreement on the establishment of the time of dispatch, receipt of messages, and their contents, the Parties agreed to consider the data obtained using the Contractor's technical means reliable and final to resolve differences between the Parties.

  • 10.7. The provisions of Russian legislation apply to the relations between the Parties.

  • 10.8. The court's recognition of the invalidity of any provision of this Offer does not entail the invalidity of the remaining provisions.